
Certificates and approvals

1. Integrated Management System


2. Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems - an international standard defining the requirements which the quality management system of a company needs to meet.

3. Environmental Management System - ISO 14001:2015

Designing, production and assembly of buildings made of modules and panels in the timber and timber-steel construction.

4. Occupational Health and Safety Management System - OHSAS 18001:2007

OHSAS 18001:2007 is an international specification for safety and occupational health management systems. It was developed by a team consisting of members of several major commercial entities, as well as international standards and certification organizations, in order to fill the gap in international standards certified by an independent entity.

5. Norwegian Technical Approval (Sintef)

The SINTEF Technical Approval (TG) confirms that a construction product is suitable for use and meets the requirements of the Building Technology Regulations (TEK) for specific areas of application. The approval also documents the product's compliance with the Building Products Regulations (DOK).

The document contains information on product properties, installation instructions, conditions of use and environmental characteristics.

SINTEF monitors production control and regularly tests the products in laboratories.

The approval applies to all types of building products and applies to both new and existing products, regardless of whether they are manufactured in Norway or imported.

6. Norwegian Central Approval

Issued by the Directorate for Building Quality (BE) in Oslo.

7. German Certificates

A Certificate of Conformity of Unihouse products with the norms applicable in Germany, issued by Bundes-Gütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighäuser e.V. UNIHOUSE also holds a RAL certificate, which proves the high quality of its products.

8. CE marking

Modules and panels manufactured in accordance with ETA15 / 0241 are CE marked. Production control is certified, which is confirmed by the certificate FPC 0402 - CPR - SC0708-16, issued by the Swedish Institute SP, Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

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