Unibep SA has been awarded the "2015 Business Cheetah" title by the the Institute of European Business.
In July 2016 the credit agency of InfoCredit analised financial data of the companies that were available in the National Court Register. From the enormous base of companies it has chosen only those, whose i.a. value of the company's equity was positive (it concerned the entire examined period - years 2013 and 2014). Unibep SA has met a few other financial conditions (various indicators were analized) and was included in the ranking of the "2015 Business Cheetahs of the Construction Sector" based on increase of the market value.
The organiser of the "2015 Business Cheetahs" contest is the Institute of European Business, established on 12 December 2005, the publisher of the Entrepreneur Magazine "Europejska Firma" (European Company) and the web portal www.businessnow.pl