On 7 October 2016, a small opening ceremony was held for the recently constructed hall in Unihouse. It will enable us to increase existing production by more than 200 modules.
The hall was constructed very quickly and it is located between two existing buildings. It is 10-metres high and the total area of the combined halls equals 1900 sq m. The work in this new place will be performed across two shifts by a total of 40 people, that is 20 employees more than so far. The new part of the hall is equipped with two cranes of weighing capacity of 6.3 t.
Plans for the further expansion of Unihouse already exist and they will be carried out in future years.
In the photo: The moment of cutting the ribbon. From the left: Leszek Gołąbiecki –President of the Management Board of Unibep SA, Jan Mikołuszko –Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Unibep SA, Jan Isgård – Produktområdeschef Cramo, Roman Jakubowski –Director of UNIHOUSE Oddział Unibep SA.