Thank you for taking part in the open days of the construction of a multi-family building in Ogrodzieniec

Open days, organised by Unihouse and SIM Zagłębie, were held at the Ogrodzieniec construction site on 19-20 June. The event attracted numerous guests, including local residents, investors and representatives of the construction industry, who had the opportunity to see the progress of the project with their own eyes. During the open days, we presented innovative solutions related to modular construction and showcased two finished flats, including one adapted for people with disabilities.

Photos of the flats on display

Information about the investment

The Ogrodzieniec development is a project by Unihouse, which specialises in modular construction. The project involves the construction of a modern modular apartment block, which is characterised by high quality workmanship and fast lead times. Key details of the development include:

  • Number of storeys: 3
  • Number of flats: 46
  • Number of units: 118

Video of the event

Film of module assembly

From installation to Open Days

Report on the event

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