
UNIHOUSE Won Contract For ‘Kløvertunet’ Project In Modular Technology For Norwegian Customer 

UNIHOUSE Won Contract For ‘Kløvertunet’ Project In Modular Technology For Norwegian Customer 


UNIHOUSE S.A. won the contract for the “Kløvertunet” project in modular technology for the Norwegian customer.

UNIHOUSE S.A. with offices in Bielsk Podlaski has informed of entry on 24 November 2020 into the contract for execution of the “Kløvertunet” project in modular technology in Jessheim, Norway, which is the 2nd stage of the ongoing general ‘Vestbyen’ project for construction of dwelling houses.

The contract comprises design and completion of three six-storey-wooden houses in the modular technology with 120 flats in total. The customer is Bekkefaret Bolig, the company with offices in Oslo, Norway. Net value of the contract amounts to NOK 147 M, which is an equivalent of approx. PLN 61.55 M. 

The engineering and the construction works shall start in the 4th quarter 2020 and in the 1st quarter 2021, respectively, while the fabrication shall be commenced by UNIHOUSE upon reception of the Customer’s confirmation, which is supposed to happen in the 1st quarter 2021. The whole project shall be completed in the 2nd quarter 2022.

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