
Vestbyen: Assembly of 106 residential modules in just 7 days!

Vestbyen: It took just 7 days to assemble the 106 residential modules at building C!

Vestbyen is a residential development by Unihouse SA in Oslo, Norway.
The 1st phase of the project involved the construction of four multi-storey residential buildings.

On 4 December 2020 we successfully completed the assembly of 106 modules at building C. Despite difficult weather conditions, thanks to the good organization of the work and the commitment of the staff, it took us only 7 days! The next step to complete 1st phase of the project will be building D consisting of 122 high quality modules produced in our factory in Bielsko Podlaskie.
The structure assembly is scheduled in February 2021.

See photos from the construction site.

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