
Unihouse has a plan for sustainable development

The years 2023-2025 at Unihouse SA will be marked by the implementation of the ESG strategy. The document sets out five strategic objectives, each with commitments, ambitions and measures to keep track of the level of commitment and implementation throughout the whole process. The company expects to increase its level of competitiveness, but employees, stakeholders and, most importantly, the environment will also benefit.

The Unibep Group, which includes Unihouse, has been striving for years to conduct its business in a responsible and sustainable manner. Since 2016, it has been preparing sustainability reports describing its environmental, social and economic activities. But as an organisation, it is taking another important step - it has approved a document entitled 'Unibep Group's ESG Strategy. Perspective 2023-2025'. The Group wants to make sure that it can conduct its business activities in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Unibep Group's ESG strategy was prepared based on five strategic objectives:

  1. Reducing environmental impact throughout the entire value chain, minimising environmental risks and promoting activities that provide opportunities for sustainable operations. 
  2. Ensuring safe and satisfactory working conditions. 
  3. Building relationships and developing an organisational culture that embraces the concept of sustainable development.
  4. Promoting universal human rights among stakeholders. 
  5. Ethics in action.

Implementing the ESG strategy, that the entire Unibep Group, including Unihouse, will pursue over the next years, requires a number of activities. Among the biggest challenges are: reducing environmental impact, reducing CO2 emissions, reducing energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources on a larger scale. As a company, we want to approach environmental issues holistically. It is a fact that the wood, which we use, is a renewable raw material, but we want to make the production process, the supply chain, the use of energy and even the use of our facilities closely related to ecology as well. The ESG strategy will help to achieve this goal," says Marcin Gołębiewski, President of the Management Board of Unihouse SA.

A completely different dimension of change is going to emerge in the areas of society and corporate governance, which have a good starting point. It is planned to develop and implement a policy to support diversity, e.g. an increase in the number of women in management positions, and to establish a policy to counteract all forms of discrimination and mobbing. The concern for employee safety and work comfort remains a constant priority. Another challenge is to work consistently to raise employee satisfaction with working conditions, thereby increasing the rate of their engagement and motivation.

Focusing on the ESG aspects will certainly bring a number of benefits to Unihouse. One can expect improvement in the company's productivity and innovation, increased employee and client engagement, reduced reputation and legal risks, accessibility to sources of financing, and an increase in the company's market value. Entities that create and implement improved ESG strategies increase their competitiveness, becoming an organisation worth engagement from the perspective of various stakeholders. Entities that create and implement improved ESG strategies increase their competitiveness, becoming an organisation worth engagement from the perspective of various stakeholders. Focusing on the ESG aspects will certainly bring Unihouse a number of benefits on many levels. All we need to do is to remain consistent in our actions," says Jacek Grzybowski, Member of the Management Board of Unihouse SA.

The strategy, in the form of a downloadable file, is available at: https://unibep.pl/images/raporty_ESG/Strategia_ESG_Grupy_Unibep_Perspektywa_2023-2025_.pdf


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