
Unihouse's new contract to produce modules for construction of kindergarten in Iceland


Unihouse executes new contract to produce modules for construction of kindergarten in Iceland

Unihouse executes new contract for production of modules for construction of kindergarten in Iceland

Unihouse has signed a new contract for the production of modules for the construction of a modern modular kindergarten in Iceland. The order was placed by Tharfathing egf. a company based in Hafnarfjörður, a picturesque city in Iceland.

The construction of this unique modular building project will begin in the third quarter of 2024, with completion scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024. Our team is looking forward to getting to work on this innovative project, which is part of our drive to create sustainable and modern educational spaces.

Iceland, known for its eco-friendly approach and concern for the environment, is the perfect place to introduce our modular kindergartens. These modern buildings are characterized not only by their functionality, but also by their high quality of construction and attention to detail, making them an excellent choice for educational facilities.

Cooperation with Tharfathing egf. is a great honor for us. We are pleased to be able to deliver our innovative modular building solutions to such a demanding market as Iceland. The modular kindergarten to be built in Hafnarfjörður will serve future generations, offering them a modern and safe environment for learning and playing.

Our experience in modular construction and previous implementations allow us to look at the upcoming project with confidence. We are confident that we will deliver a product that will meet all the expectations of both the ordering party and the future users of the modular kindergarten.

We sincerely thank you for your trust and can't wait to show the results of our work. We will keep you updated on the progress of this project. Iceland, with its beautiful landscapes and innovative approach to education, will gain a modern modular kindergarten that will be the pride of both us and the local community.

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