
Another Unihouse contract in Norway! Modular school for children with disabilities

We have won another contract, this time for the construction of a modular school in Baerum, Norway. This project aims to create a functional and modern building adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. Thanks to the use of modular technology, this investment not only meets the highest standards, but also ensures a fast turnaround time, which is a key factor for the local community.

Two-storey modular school for children with disabilities

Unihouse's new project involves the construction of a two-storey school to accommodate the requirements of children with disabilities. Using modern technology and attention to detail, the building will provide a comfortable and safe learning environment. Specialised architectural features such as wide corridors, lifts and adapted toilets have been incorporated into the design to make it easier for children to move around the building.

Fast and functional project implementation in Baerum, Norway

Project delivery time is one of the most important advantages of modular technology. In the case of this school in Baerum, the technology allows for a significantly shortened construction process, which is important given the increasing demand for modern educational facilities

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