
Unihouse at the XXII Local Government Forum in Katowice


On 7-8 October 2024, we participated in the XXII Local Government Forum on Capital and Finance, held at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The event brought together more than 1,200 participants, including marshals of provinces, presidents and mayors of cities, mayors, starosts, councillors, treasurers, secretaries, researchers and industry experts. The forum was not only an excellent opportunity to make new contacts, but also a platform for exchanging knowledge and experience on the key challenges facing local governments.

Our participation in the debate on housing investment

Unihouse board member Kamil Kowalczyk took part in a debate entitled. ‘Local government open to housing investments (and more). How to encourage investors to build in the city’. The conversation focused on key aspects of cooperation between local governments and investors, such as the preparation of investment sites, the development of infrastructure and the choice of appropriate construction technologies.
During the debate, we had the opportunity to share our experience in modular construction, which is becoming an increasingly popular solution for housing investments.

Our approach to construction not only speeds up the development process, but also allows buildings to be flexibly adapted to changing market needs. Modular construction is the key to sustainable urban development.

Two days of intensive meetings and exchange of experiences

During the two days of the Forum, we had the opportunity to participate in many lectures and expert meetings. The event included exhibition zones, where we had the opportunity to present our modular construction solutions for housing projects. Our stand attracted a lot of interest, and constructive discussions opened up new prospects for cooperation with representatives of local authorities.

Participation in the Forum also allowed us to show how modular construction can support the development of urban infrastructure. Thanks to our flexible and fast construction processes, we are able to provide high-quality solutions that meet the current needs of cities and their inhabitants. Our construction technologies are not only more efficient, but also contribute to reducing the carbon footprint, which is crucial in the context of global sustainability trends.


We would like to thank all participants of the XXII Local Government Capital and Finance Forum for fruitful meetings and inspiring discussions. Thanks to the exchange of experiences and the presentation of modern solutions, such as modular construction, we hope to continue working with local governments to develop housing investments. We see great potential in the use of modular building technologies, which not only accelerate the urbanisation process, but also increase the attractiveness of cities for residents and investors.

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Continuing our mission to promote modern building solutions, we are ready for new challenges and cooperation opportunities that will contribute to the sustainable development of Polish cities.

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