On 1 June 2020, Unibep SA signed a framework agreement on the Swedish market for participation in a multi-annual housing programme Allmännyttans Kombohus.
The contracting authority is the organisation of Swedish municipal companies Sveriges Allmännytta AB (fd SABO). The programme covers the years 2020-2026 and assumes the delivery of standard turnkey buildings based on general contracting throughout Sweden. Sveriges Allmänyttan associates 313 municipal companies, constructing and managing its resources (860,000 dwellings) of popular in Sweden rental flats.
The Kombohus programme includes two types of standard buildings: 2-6 storeys and 6-8 storeys. Under this housing programme, the contracting authority estimates the construction of 25,000 rental flats by 2026. Unibep SA qualified for a framework agreement for a standard repeatable 2-6 storeys building with two other Swedish companies: Lindbäcks AB and JSB Construction AB.
Swedish municipal companies benefiting from this agreement will be able to choose projects according to pre-established criteria for a standard solution with some alternative concepts and additional options. Unibep SA offered two concepts of a 4-storeys building in modular technology with a wooden frame for 15 and 14 apartments.
These buildings meet the expectations for low energy consumption, ecological choice of materials, appropriate functional arrangement within the price conditions specified in the tender. Additionally, in accordance with pending Swedish regulations, the building comes with appropriate climate declaration indicating the level of carbon dioxide emissions in the entire prefabrication process. Our product owing to the use of wood as the basic material that binds CO2 achieves a relatively low carbon footprint.
The tender process lasting over a year in the formula of competitive discourse was a big organisational challenge for our company requiring close cooperation, coordination of many departments, and cooperation with external consultants. The flats in a wooden frame for the purpose of this programme will be manufactured in Bielsk Podlaski in the factory of Unihouse SA. Then, they will be transported and assembled in Sweden. The framework agreement will enter into force on 3 June 2020. It will last six years and be subject indexation.
The ordering party extended the period of validity of this agreement from 4 to 6 years so that producers of serial prefabricated flats would be able to adapt the factory production and switch to such a large-scale production.
- We are very pleased that, as a leading Polish construction company, we have been invited today to this biggest housing programme of our northern neighbour - says Michał Urbankowski, sales director on the Swedish market.
To read more about Allmännyttans Kombohus click here
Main photo: Visualisation of the Kombohus building, basic version.