
10 years BMF membership and RAL certification

We are pleased to announce that Unihouse has been a member of the prestigious Bundes-Gütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighäuser (BMF) e.V. for 10 years and a holder of the RAL quality certificate. This allows us to boast certified construction that meets the highest German quality standards.

We have received congratulations on this occasion from the BMF association, which we would like to pass on to you:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum

Sehr geehrter Herr Kiszycki,

Im Namen der Bundes-Gütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighäuser (BMF) e.V. gratuliere ich Ihnen herzlich zu 10 Jahren Mitgliedschaft in unserer Gütegemeinschaft.

Ich möchten diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um Ihnen für die angenehme und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit zu danken. Your unity and cooperation make a major contribution to ensuring that we can achieve our common goals and projects successfully.

I look forward to further cooperation and hope for a happy future.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Florian Bauer

Heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary

Dear Mr Kiszycki,

On behalf of the Federal Association of Assembly Buildings and Prefabricated Houses (BMF) e.V., I would like to congratulate you on your 10 years of membership in our quality association.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the pleasant and fruitful cooperation. Your support and membership contribute significantly to the fact that we can successfully realise our common goals and projects.

I look forward to further cooperation and hope to meet you soon.

Yours sincerely

Florian Bauer

We would like to thank all our partners, customers and employees for working together to build our brand and achieve such a prestigious award. Unihouse is certified construction you can rely on!

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