
Unihouse na Ukrainian Recovery Conference 2024 w Berlinie

Unihouse was honoured to participate in the Ukrainian Recovery Conference 2024 (URC2024), held in Berlin. The event brought together key political and economic leaders from across Europe to develop strategies to rebuild Ukraine, mobilise international support and promote sustainable development in the region. Our presence at this conference was an opportunity to showcase innovative solutions and make inspiring new contacts.

Unihouse among the exhibitors

We were one of 100 companies presenting their technologies and solutions at the conference. Our stand attracted the attention of many participants interested in modern modular construction and its potential in the context of rapid and sustainable reconstruction of damaged areas.

Inspiring meetings and new opportunities

The meetings and conversations we had during URC2024 brought a lot of inspiration and opened up new opportunities for cooperation. Discussions with representatives of other companies and political leaders allowed us to better understand the needs of the region and adapt our technologies to the specific requirements of rebuilding Ukraine.

The importance of sustainability

One of the key themes of the conference was sustainability. Unihouse, as a leader in green building solutions, presented its latest projects that combine energy efficiency with minimal environmental impact. Our approach to sustainable construction received a lot of interest and appreciation from the conference participants.

International cooperation

URC2024 highlighted the importance of international cooperation in the reconstruction process in Ukraine. We believe that only through joint action can we achieve sustainable and effective results. The contacts made during the conference and the discussions initiated are the first step towards fruitful cooperation for the reconstruction and development of the region.

Unihouse's participation in the Ukrainian Recovery Conference 2024 was extremely fruitful and inspiring. The presentation of our innovative solutions was positively received, and the contacts made open up new perspectives for cooperation. We are proud to contribute to the recovery of Ukraine and promote sustainable development in the region. We look forward to the next steps and joint projects that will result from this conference.


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