
We have completed the installation of modules in Kamienna Góra

We would like to introduce you to our latest project in Kamienna Góra, where Unihouse is constructing a modern municipal building in a modular system on behalf of the City of Kamienna Góra.
‘The municipal building being erected by Unihouse consists of 28 modules that make up 24 turnkey flats with areas ranging from 30 m² to 63 m²,’ reports Construction Manager Mariusz Gorzel.
The building has an impressive usable area: about 415 m² of underground space and about 1,200 m² of living space. A solid foundation in the form of a garage, realised within a few months, forms the basis for our modules.
‘The above-ground, or modular, part was prefabricated in parallel at the Unihouse factory in Bielsk Podlaski. It consists of three aboveground storeys,’ adds the contract manager.


Modulowy Budynek Komunalny Kamienna góra


The assembly of the building, due to local and logistical considerations, took place overnight, which did not prevent us from perfectly fitting the modules with a traditionally made garage in just three nights.
‘Modular construction has many advantages, regardless of weather and other circumstances, it allows modules to be prefabricated at the same time, which significantly reduces completion times. In our case, while the modules were being prefabricated in the factory, the underground garage was being realised on site’ - emphasises the Contract Manager.
The finishing work is currently underway on the site, so that our modules will soon be transformed into ready-to-occupy flats.
It is also worth noting that modular construction minimises the faultiness of the buildings and allows them to be used comfortably soon after completion.
‘Many experts believe that modular construction is the future of construction. I believe it is the present, bearing in mind the rising operating costs and other aspects. Our project in Kamienna Góra, where modern technological solutions have been applied, shows that heating costs will be minimal and satisfaction with the comfort of use maximised.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project and the residents for their understanding and patience. : - says Construction Manager Mariusz Gorzel.


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